
What Are The Sensor Size On Kid Cameras

Shape and size of a digital camera's image sensor

Comparative dimensions of sensor sizes

In digital photography, the prototype sensor format is the shape and size of the prototype sensor.

The image sensor format of a digital camera determines the bending of view of a particular lens when used with a particular sensor. Because the image sensors in many digital cameras are smaller than the 24 mm × 36 mm image surface area of full-frame 35 mm cameras, a lens of a given focal length gives a narrower field of view in such cameras.

Sensor size is ofttimes expressed as optical format in inches. Other measures are besides used; meet table of sensor formats and sizes below.

Lenses produced for 35 mm pic cameras may mount well on the digital bodies, but the larger image circumvolve of the 35 mm arrangement lens allows unwanted light into the photographic camera torso, and the smaller size of the paradigm sensor compared to 35 mm picture format results in cropping of the image. This latter effect is known as field-of-view ingather. The format size ratio (relative to the 35 mm film format) is known as the field-of-view crop factor, crop factor, lens factor, focal-length conversion gene, focal-length multiplier, or lens multiplier.

Sensor size and depth of field [edit]

Three possible depth-of-field comparisons betwixt formats are discussed, applying the formulae derived in the article on depth of field. The depths of field of the iii cameras may be the aforementioned, or different in either club, depending on what is held constant in the comparison.

Considering a flick with the same subject area distance and angle of view for two different formats:

D O F 2 D O F 1 d 1 d two {\displaystyle {\frac {\mathrm {DOF} _{2}}{\mathrm {DOF} _{one}}}\approx {\frac {d_{1}}{d_{2}}}}

so the DOFs are in inverse proportion to the absolute discontinuity diameters d 1 {\displaystyle d_{1}} and d ii {\displaystyle d_{2}} .

Using the aforementioned absolute aperture bore for both formats with the "same picture" criterion (equal angle of view, magnified to same last size) yields the same depth of field. Information technology is equivalent to adjusting the f-number inversely in proportion to ingather gene – a smaller f-number for smaller sensors (this also means that, when property the shutter speed stock-still, the exposure is inverse by the adjustment of the f-number required to equalise depth of field. But the aperture expanse is held constant, and then sensors of all sizes receive the same total amount of light energy from the subject area. The smaller sensor is then operating at a lower ISO setting, by the square of the crop gene). This condition of equal field of view, equal depth of field, equal discontinuity diameter, and equal exposure time is known as "equivalence".[1]

And, we might compare the depth of field of sensors receiving the same photometric exposure – the f-number is fixed instead of the discontinuity diameter – the sensors are operating at the same ISO setting in that case, but the smaller sensor is receiving less total light, past the surface area ratio. The ratio of depths of field is then

D O F 2 D O F 1 l 1 50 two {\displaystyle {\frac {\mathrm {DOF} _{2}}{\mathrm {DOF} _{i}}}\approx {\frac {l_{i}}{l_{ii}}}}

where l one {\displaystyle l_{one}} and l 2 {\displaystyle l_{two}} are the characteristic dimensions of the format, and thus l 1 / l 2 {\displaystyle l_{1}/l_{two}} is the relative crop factor between the sensors. It is this effect that gives rising to the mutual opinion that small sensors yield greater depth of field than large ones.

An alternative is to consider the depth of field given by the same lens in conjunction with different sized sensors (changing the bending of view). The change in depth of field is brought almost by the requirement for a different degree of enlargement to achieve the same final image size. In this case the ratio of depths of field becomes

D O F 2 D O F 1 l 2 l ane {\displaystyle {\frac {\mathrm {DOF} _{2}}{\mathrm {DOF} _{one}}}\approx {\frac {l_{two}}{l_{1}}}} .

In practice, if applying a lens with a fixed focal length and a stock-still aperture and made for an image circle to meet the requirements for a large sensor is to exist adapted, without irresolute its physical properties, to smaller sensor sizes neither the depth of field nor the light gathering l ten = l m m 2 {\displaystyle \mathrm {lx=\,{\frac {lm}{yard^{2}}}} } will change.

Sensor size, noise and dynamic range [edit]

Discounting photo response non-uniformity (PRNU) and dark noise variation, which are not intrinsically sensor-size dependent, the noises in an paradigm sensor are shot noise, read noise, and dark noise. The overall signal to noise ratio of a sensor (SNR), expressed as signal electrons relative to rms racket in electrons, observed at the scale of a single pixel, bold shot noise from Poisson distribution of signal electrons and dark electrons, is

S Northward R = P Q e t ( P Q due east t ) two + ( D t ) 2 + Northward r ii = P Q e t P Q eastward t + D t + N r two {\displaystyle \mathrm {SNR} ={\frac {PQ_{e}t}{\sqrt {\left({\sqrt {PQ_{east}t}}\correct)^{2}+\left({\sqrt {Dt}}\correct)^{2}+N_{r}^{ii}}}}={\frac {PQ_{east}t}{\sqrt {PQ_{e}t+Dt+N_{r}^{2}}}}}

where P {\displaystyle P} is the incident photon flux (photons per 2d in the area of a pixel), Q east {\displaystyle Q_{e}} is the quantum efficiency, t {\displaystyle t} is the exposure time, D {\displaystyle D} is the pixel dark electric current in electrons per 2d and N r {\displaystyle N_{r}} is the pixel read dissonance in electrons rms.[2]

Each of these noises has a different dependency on sensor size.

Exposure and photon flux [edit]

Image sensor noise tin can be compared across formats for a given fixed photon flux per pixel surface area (the P in the formulas); this assay is useful for a fixed number of pixels with pixel area proportional to sensor area, and fixed absolute aperture diameter for a fixed imaging situation in terms of depth of field, diffraction limit at the subject, etc. Or information technology can be compared for a fixed focal-plane illuminance, corresponding to a stock-still f-number, in which case P is proportional to pixel area, independent of sensor area. The formulas above and below can be evaluated for either case.

Shot noise [edit]

In the above equation, the shot noise SNR is given by

P Q e t P Q eastward t = P Q east t {\displaystyle {\frac {PQ_{e}t}{\sqrt {PQ_{east}t}}}={\sqrt {PQ_{eastward}t}}} .

Apart from the quantum efficiency it depends on the incident photon flux and the exposure time, which is equivalent to the exposure and the sensor surface area; since the exposure is the integration fourth dimension multiplied with the image plane illuminance, and illuminance is the luminous flux per unit expanse. Thus for equal exposures, the point to dissonance ratios of two different size sensors of equal breakthrough efficiency and pixel count will (for a given last image size) be in proportion to the foursquare root of the sensor area (or the linear scale factor of the sensor). If the exposure is constrained by the demand to achieve some required depth of field (with the same shutter speed) and then the exposures will be in changed relation to the sensor expanse, producing the interesting upshot that if depth of field is a constraint, image shot noise is not dependent on sensor area. For identical f-number lenses the bespeak to noise ratio increases as square root of the pixel area, or linearly with pixel pitch. Equally typical f-numbers for lenses for cell phones and DSLR are in the aforementioned range f/1.5-f/ii information technology is interesting to compare performance of cameras with small and large sensors. A good jail cell telephone camera with typical pixel size 1.1 μm (Samsung A8) would have about 3 times worse SNR due to shot noise than a 3.7 μm pixel interchangeable lens camera (Panasonic G85) and v times worse than a 6 μm full frame camera (Sony A7 III). Taking into consideration the dynamic range makes the deviation even more prominent. Equally such the trend of increasing the number of "megapixels" in cell phone cameras during final 10 years was caused rather past marketing strategy to sell "more than megapixels" than past attempts to improve prototype quality.

Read dissonance [edit]

The read noise is the total of all the electronic noises in the conversion concatenation for the pixels in the sensor assortment. To compare it with photon noise, it must be referred back to its equivalent in photoelectrons, which requires the division of the dissonance measured in volts past the conversion gain of the pixel. This is given, for an active pixel sensor, by the voltage at the input (gate) of the read transistor divided past the charge which generates that voltage, C One thousand = V r t / Q r t {\displaystyle CG=V_{rt}/Q_{rt}} . This is the changed of the capacitance of the read transistor gate (and the attached floating improvidence) since capacitance C = Q / 5 {\displaystyle C=Q/V} .[3] Thus C G = ane / C r t {\displaystyle CG=1/C_{rt}} .

In general for a planar construction such as a pixel, capacitance is proportional to area, therefore the read noise scales downwardly with sensor area, every bit long as pixel expanse scales with sensor area, and that scaling is performed by uniformly scaling the pixel.

Considering the indicate to noise ratio due to read noise at a given exposure, the signal volition scale as the sensor surface area forth with the read noise and therefore read racket SNR will be unaffected by sensor expanse. In a depth of field constrained situation, the exposure of the larger sensor will exist reduced in proportion to the sensor area, and therefore the read noise SNR will reduce likewise.

Dark noise [edit]

Dark current contributes 2 kinds of racket: nighttime kickoff, which is only partly correlated between pixels, and the shot noise associated with night showtime, which is uncorrelated between pixels. Simply the shot-noise component Dt is included in the formula above, since the uncorrelated office of the dark kickoff is hard to predict, and the correlated or mean part is relatively easy to subtract off. The mean nighttime electric current contains contributions proportional both to the surface area and the linear dimension of the photodiode, with the relative proportions and scale factors depending on the pattern of the photodiode.[4] Thus in general the nighttime racket of a sensor may be expected to ascension equally the size of the sensor increases. However, in most sensors the mean pixel dark electric current at normal temperatures is pocket-size, lower than 50 eastward- per 2d,[5] thus for typical photographic exposure times dark current and its associated noises may be discounted. At very long exposure times, even so, it may be a limiting factor. And even at short or medium exposure times, a few outliers in the dark-current distribution may show up every bit "hot pixels". Typically, for astrophotography applications sensors are cooled to reduce night current in situations where exposures may be measured in several hundreds of seconds.

Dynamic range [edit]

Dynamic range is the ratio of the largest and smallest recordable bespeak, the smallest being typically defined by the 'noise flooring'. In the paradigm sensor literature, the noise floor is taken every bit the readout dissonance, so D R = Q max / σ readout {\displaystyle DR=Q_{\text{max}}/\sigma _{\text{readout}}} [6] (note, the read noise σ r east a d o u t {\displaystyle \sigma _{readout}} is the aforementioned quantity as N r {\displaystyle N_{r}} referred to in the SNR calculation[2]).

Sensor size and diffraction [edit]

The resolution of all optical systems is limited by diffraction. Ane way of considering the effect that diffraction has on cameras using different sized sensors is to consider the modulation transfer function (MTF). Diffraction is one of the factors that contribute to the overall organisation MTF. Other factors are typically the MTFs of the lens, anti-aliasing filter and sensor sampling window.[seven] The spatial cutting-off frequency due to diffraction through a lens aperture is

ξ c u t o f f = i λ North {\displaystyle \xi _{\mathrm {cutoff} }={\frac {1}{\lambda N}}}

where λ is the wavelength of the light passing through the organisation and N is the f-number of the lens. If that aperture is round, as are (approximately) nigh photographic apertures, then the MTF is given by

M T F ( ξ ξ c u t o f f ) = 2 π { cos one ( ξ ξ c u t o f f ) ( ξ ξ c u t o f f ) [ ane ( ξ ξ c u t o f f ) 2 ] i 2 } {\displaystyle \mathrm {MTF} \left({\frac {\xi }{\xi _{\mathrm {cutoff} }}}\right)={\frac {2}{\pi }}\left\{\cos ^{-ane}\left({\frac {\xi }{\11 _{\mathrm {cutoff} }}}\right)-\left({\frac {\xi }{\xi _{\mathrm {cutoff} }}}\right)\left[one-\left({\frac {\eleven }{\xi _{\mathrm {cutoff} }}}\right)^{two}\right]^{\frac {1}{2}}\right\}}

for ξ < ξ c u t o f f {\displaystyle \xi <\xi _{\mathrm {cutoff} }} and 0 {\displaystyle 0} for ξ ξ c u t o f f {\displaystyle \eleven \geq \xi _{\mathrm {cutoff} }} [8] The diffraction based factor of the system MTF will therefore scale according to ξ c u t o f f {\displaystyle \eleven _{\mathrm {cutoff} }} and in turn according to 1 / N {\displaystyle ane/N} (for the same light wavelength).

In considering the result of sensor size, and its effect on the terminal image, the dissimilar magnification required to obtain the aforementioned size image for viewing must be accounted for, resulting in an boosted scale factor of 1 / C {\displaystyle ane/{C}} where C {\displaystyle {C}} is the relative crop factor, making the overall scale cistron one / ( N C ) {\displaystyle 1/(NC)} . Considering the three cases above:

For the 'same picture show' conditions, aforementioned angle of view, bailiwick distance and depth of field, then the F-numbers are in the ratio 1 / C {\displaystyle one/C} , so the scale factor for the diffraction MTF is 1, leading to the conclusion that the diffraction MTF at a given depth of field is contained of sensor size.

In both the 'aforementioned photometric exposure' and 'aforementioned lens' conditions, the F-number is not changed, and thus the spatial cutoff and resultant MTF on the sensor is unchanged, leaving the MTF in the viewed paradigm to be scaled as the magnification, or inversely every bit the ingather gene.

Sensor format and lens size [edit]

It might be expected that lenses appropriate for a range of sensor sizes could be produced by merely scaling the same designs in proportion to the crop factor.[9] Such an practise would in theory produce a lens with the same F-number and angle of view, with a size proportional to the sensor ingather factor. In practice, simple scaling of lens designs is non ever achievable, due to factors such as the not-scalability of manufacturing tolerance, structural integrity of glass lenses of different sizes and available manufacturing techniques and costs. Moreover, to maintain the aforementioned absolute amount of information in an prototype (which can be measured equally the space bandwidth product[x]) the lens for a smaller sensor requires a greater resolving power. The development of the 'Tessar' lens is discussed by Nasse,[11] and shows its transformation from an f/6.3 lens for plate cameras using the original three-group configuration through to an f/2.8 5.2 mm 4-element optic with eight extremely aspheric surfaces, economically manufacturable considering of its small size. Its operation is 'amend than the all-time 35 mm lenses – but only for a very small-scale paradigm'.

In summary, as sensor size reduces, the accompanying lens designs will change, often quite radically, to take reward of manufacturing techniques made available due to the reduced size. The functionality of such lenses can too take reward of these, with extreme zoom ranges becoming possible. These lenses are often very large in relation to sensor size, merely with a minor sensor can be fitted into a meaty parcel.

Small torso means small lens and ways modest sensor, so to continue smartphones slim and calorie-free, the smartphone manufacturers use a tiny sensor usually less than the 1/2.3" used in virtually bridge cameras. At 1 time only Nokia 808 PureView used a i/1.2" sensor, almost three times the size of a 1/2.3" sensor. Bigger sensors have the reward of ameliorate image quality, just with improvements in sensor applied science, smaller sensors can attain the feats of earlier larger sensors. These improvements in sensor engineering science allow smartphone manufacturers to use image sensors equally minor as ane/4" without sacrificing too much paradigm quality compared to budget point & shoot cameras.[12]

Active area of the sensor [edit]

For calculating camera angle of view 1 should use the size of active surface area of the sensor. Active area of the sensor implies an surface area of the sensor on which epitome is formed in a given mode of the camera. The active surface area may be smaller than the image sensor, and active surface area tin differ in different modes of operation of the same photographic camera. Active area size depends on the attribute ratio of the sensor and aspect ratio of the output image of the camera. The active area size can depend on number of pixels in given fashion of the camera. The active expanse size and lens focal length determines angles of view.[13]

Sensor size and shading effects [edit]

Semiconductor prototype sensors can endure from shading effects at large apertures and at the periphery of the image field, due to the geometry of the low-cal cone projected from the exit student of the lens to a betoken, or pixel, on the sensor surface. The effects are discussed in detail by Catrysse and Wandell .[fourteen] In the context of this word the well-nigh important result from the above is that to ensure a total transfer of light free energy betwixt two coupled optical systems such as the lens' exit pupil to a pixel's photoreceptor the geometrical extent (also known as etendue or light throughput) of the objective lens / pixel system must be smaller than or equal to the geometrical extent of the microlens / photoreceptor system. The geometrical extent of the objective lens / pixel system is given by

K o b j eastward c t i v e w p i x due east l 2 ( f / # ) o b j e c t i v e {\displaystyle G_{\mathrm {objective} }\simeq {\frac {w_{\mathrm {pixel} }}{two{(f/\#)}_{\mathrm {objective} }}}} ,

where wpixel is the width of the pixel and (f/#)objective is the f-number of the objective lens. The geometrical extent of the microlens / photoreceptor system is given past

G p i x e l w p h o t o r e c east p t o r 2 ( f / # ) k i c r o 50 e n southward {\displaystyle G_{\mathrm {pixel} }\simeq {\frac {w_{\mathrm {photoreceptor} }}{2{(f/\#)}_{\mathrm {microlens} }}}} ,

where due westphotoreceptor is the width of the photoreceptor and (f/#)microlens is the f-number of the microlens.

And then to avoid shading,

Thou p i ten due east l G o b j east c t i v due east {\displaystyle G_{\mathrm {pixel} }\geq G_{\mathrm {objective} }} , therefore west p h o t o r e c e p t o r ( f / # ) k i c r o fifty e northward southward w p i x e l ( f / # ) o b j eastward c t i 5 e {\displaystyle {\frac {w_{\mathrm {photoreceptor} }}{{(f/\#)}_{\mathrm {microlens} }}}\geq {\frac {w_{\mathrm {pixel} }}{{(f/\#)}_{\mathrm {objective} }}}}

If wphotoreceptor / due westpixel = ff , the linear fill up factor of the lens, then the condition becomes

( f / # ) m i c r o l e northward s ( f / # ) o b j e c t i five eastward × f f {\displaystyle {(f/\#)}_{\mathrm {microlens} }\leq {(f/\#)}_{\mathrm {objective} }\times {\mathit {ff}}}

Thus if shading is to be avoided the f-number of the microlens must be smaller than the f-number of the taking lens by at to the lowest degree a factor equal to the linear fill factor of the pixel. The f-number of the microlens is adamant ultimately by the width of the pixel and its height above the silicon, which determines its focal length. In plough, this is determined by the summit of the metallisation layers, too known as the 'stack top'. For a given stack height, the f-number of the microlenses will increase as pixel size reduces, and thus the objective lens f-number at which shading occurs will tend to increase. This effect has been observed in practice, every bit recorded in the DxOmark article 'F-stop blues'[fifteen]

In lodge to maintain pixel counts smaller sensors will tend to take smaller pixels, while at the aforementioned time smaller objective lens f-numbers are required to maximise the amount of calorie-free projected on the sensor. To gainsay the result discussed higher up, smaller format pixels include technology design features to permit the reduction in f-number of their microlenses. These may include simplified pixel designs which require less metallisation, 'low-cal pipes' built within the pixel to bring its apparent surface closer to the microlens and 'back side illumination' in which the wafer is thinned to expose the rear of the photodetectors and the microlens layer is placed directly on that surface, rather than the front side with its wiring layers. The relative effectiveness of these stratagems is discussed past Aptina in some item.[16]

Common image sensor formats [edit]

Sizes of sensors used in most current digital cameras relative to a standard 35 mm frame.

For interchangeable-lens cameras [edit]

Some professional DSLRs, SLTs and mirrorless cameras apply full-frame sensors, equivalent to the size of a frame of 35 mm film.

Most consumer-level DSLRs, SLTs and mirrorless cameras utilise relatively large sensors, either somewhat under the size of a frame of APS-C film, with a ingather factor of 1.5–1.6; or xxx% smaller than that, with a crop factor of 2.0 (this is the Four Thirds Organization, adopted by Olympus and Panasonic).

As of November 2013[update] there is merely one mirrorless model equipped with a very small-scale sensor, more typical of compact cameras: the Pentax Q7, with a one/1.7" sensor (4.55 crop gene). See Sensors equipping Compact digital cameras and camera-phones department below.

Many different terms are used in marketing to describe DSLR/SLT/mirrorless sensor formats, including the following:

  • 860 mm² area Full-frame digital SLR format, with sensor dimensions virtually equal to those of 35 mm pic (36×24 mm) from Pentax, Panasonic, Leica, Nikon, Canon, Sony and announced in 2018 by Sigma as upcoming.
  • 548 mm² expanse APS-H format for the high-end mirrorless SD Quattro H from Sigma (ingather factor i.35)
  • 370 mm² area APS-C standard format from Nikon, Pentax, Sony, Fujifilm, Sigma (crop factor 1.5) (Actual APS-C film is bigger, withal.)
  • 330 mm² area APS-C smaller format from Catechism (crop factor 1.6)
  • 225 mm² surface area Micro Four Thirds System format from Panasonic, Olympus, Blackness Magic and Polaroid (ingather cistron 2.0)
  • 43 mm² area i/" Pentax Q7 (iv.55 crop factor)

Obsolescent and out-of-production sensor sizes include:

  • 548 mm² area Leica's M8 and M8.2 sensor (crop factor one.33). Current M-series sensors are finer full-frame (ingather factor one.0).
  • 548 mm² area Catechism's APS-H format for high-speed pro-level DSLRs (crop factor one.three). Current 1D/5D-series sensors are finer full-frame (crop factor 1.0).
  • 370 mm² area APS-C crop gene 1.five format from Epson, Samsung NX, Konica Minolta.
  • 286 mm² expanse Foveon X3 format used in Sigma SD-series DSLRs and DP-serial mirrorless (crop gene 1.7). Later models such as the SD1, DP2 Merrill and virtually of the Quattro series use a ingather factor 1.5 Foveon sensor; the even more than recent Quattro H mirrorless uses an APS-H Foveon sensor with a 1.35 crop factor.
  • 225 mm² area Iv Thirds System format from Olympus (ingather factor 2.0)
  • 116 mm² area 1" Nikon CX format used in Nikon one serial[17] and Samsung mini-NX series (crop factor 2.7)
  • xxx mm² area 1/2.iii" original Pentax Q (5.half dozen crop factor). Current Q-series cameras have a ingather factor of 4.55.

When full-frame sensors were first introduced, production costs could exceed 20 times the cost of an APS-C sensor. Just 20 full-frame sensors tin be produced on an 8 inches (20 cm) silicon wafer, which would fit 100 or more APS-C sensors, and at that place is a significant reduction in yield due to the large expanse for contaminants per component. Additionally, total frame sensor fabrication originally required iii divide exposures during the photolithography stage, which requires split masks and quality control steps. Canon selected the intermediate APS-H size, since it was at the time the largest that could be patterned with a single mask, helping to command production costs and manage yields.[eighteen] Newer photolithography equipment now allows single-pass exposures for total-frame sensors, although other size-related production constraints remain much the same.

Due to the always-irresolute constraints of semiconductor fabrication and processing, and because camera manufacturers frequently source sensors from third-party foundries, information technology is common for sensor dimensions to vary slightly within the same nominal format. For instance, the Nikon D3 and D700 cameras' nominally full-frame sensors actually measure out 36 × 23.9 mm, slightly smaller than a 36 × 24 mm frame of 35 mm film. As some other example, the Pentax K200D'south sensor (made by Sony) measures 23.5 × 15.7 mm, while the contemporaneous K20D'southward sensor (fabricated by Samsung) measures 23.iv × 15.half-dozen mm.

Almost of these image sensor formats approximate the 3:ii aspect ratio of 35 mm film. Again, the Iv Thirds Arrangement is a notable exception, with an aspect ratio of 4:3 equally seen in nigh compact digital cameras (see below).

Smaller sensors [edit]

Nigh sensors are fabricated for camera phones, compact digital cameras, and bridge cameras. Nigh prototype sensors equipping compact cameras have an aspect ratio of 4:3. This matches the aspect ratio of the popular SVGA, XGA, and SXGA display resolutions at the time of the showtime digital cameras, allowing images to be displayed on usual monitors without cropping.

Every bit of December 2010[update] most compact digital cameras used pocket-sized ane/2.three" sensors. Such cameras include Canon Powershot SX230 IS, Fuji Finepix Z90 and Nikon Coolpix S9100. Some older digital cameras (mostly from 2005–2010) used even smaller 1/2.5" sensors: these include Panasonic Lumix DMC-FS62, Canon Powershot SX120 IS, Sony Cyber-shot DSC-S700, and Casio Exilim EX-Z80.

As of 2018 high-end compact cameras using one inch sensors that have nearly four times the area of those equipping common compacts include Canon PowerShot G-series (G3 X to G9 Ten), Sony DSC RX100 series, Panasonic Lumix TZ100 and Panasonic DMC-LX15. Catechism has APS-C sensor on its meridian model PowerShot G1 X Mark III.

For many years until Sep. 2011 a gap existed between meaty digital and DSLR camera sensor sizes. The x centrality is a detached prepare of sensor format sizes used in digital cameras, not a linear measurement centrality.

Finally, Sony has the DSC-RX1 and DSC-RX1R cameras in their lineup, which take a total-frame sensor usually only used in professional DSLRs, SLTs and MILCs.

Due to the size constraints of powerful zoom objectives, near current bridge cameras have 1/2.iii" sensors, as small every bit those used in common more than compact cameras. Equally lens sizes are proportional to the image sensor size, smaller sensors enable large zoom amounts with moderate size lenses. In 2011 the loftier-stop Fujifilm X-S1 was equipped with a much larger ii/3" sensor. In 2013–2014, both Sony (Cyber-shot DSC-RX10) and Panasonic (Lumix DMC-FZ1000) produced span cameras with 1" sensors.

The sensors of camera phones are typically much smaller than those of typical compact cameras, allowing greater miniaturization of the electric and optical components. Sensor sizes of around 1/6" are mutual in photographic camera phones, webcams and digital camcorders. The Nokia N8'due south 1/1.83" sensor was the largest in a phone in late 2011. The Nokia 808 surpasses compact cameras with its 41 1000000 pixels, 1/1.2" sensor.[xix]

Medium-format digital sensors [edit]

The largest digital sensors in commercially available cameras are described every bit medium format, in reference to pic formats of similar dimensions. Although the traditional medium format 120 film commonly had 1 side with vi cm length (the other varying from 4.5 to 24 cm), the well-nigh common digital sensor sizes described below are approximately 48 mm × 36 mm (1.nine in × ane.four in), which is roughly twice the size of a Full-frame digital SLR sensor format.

Available CCD sensors include Phase One'south P65+ digital back with Dalsa's 53.ix mm × 40.4 mm (2.12 in × one.59 in) sensor containing 60.v megapixels[20] and Leica's "Southward-Arrangement" DSLR with a 45 mm × 30 mm (1.8 in × ane.two in) sensor containing 37-megapixels.[21] In 2010, Pentax released the 40MP 645D medium format DSLR with a 44 mm × 33 mm (one.7 in × 1.iii in) CCD sensor;[22] after models of the 645 serial kept the aforementioned sensor size but replaced the CCD with a CMOS sensor. In 2016, Hasselblad announced the X1D, a 50MP medium-format mirrorless camera, with a 44 mm × 33 mm (i.7 in × 1.3 in) CMOS sensor.[23] In tardily 2016, Fujifilm also announced its new Fujifilm GFX 50S medium format, mirrorless entry into the marketplace, with a 43.eight mm × 32.9 mm (ane.72 in × ane.30 in) CMOS sensor and 51.4MP. [24] [25]

Tabular array of sensor formats and sizes [edit]

Sensor sizes are expressed in inches notation considering at the time of the popularization of digital paradigm sensors they were used to supercede video camera tubes. The mutual ane" outside diameter circular video camera tubes have a rectangular photo sensitive area nigh 16 mm on the diagonal, so a digital sensor with a 16 mm diagonal size is a 1" video tube equivalent. The proper noun of a 1" digital sensor should more accurately be read as "ane inch video camera tube equivalent" sensor. Current digital paradigm sensor size descriptors are the video photographic camera tube equivalency size, not the actual size of the sensor. For example, a 1" sensor has a diagonal measurement of 16 mm.[26] [27]

Sizes are often expressed as a fraction of an inch, with a one in the numerator, and a decimal number in the denominator. For example, 1/ii.5 converts to 2/5 as a simple fraction, or 0.four equally a decimal number. This "inch" system gives a outcome approximately ane.five times the length of the diagonal of the sensor. This "optical format" measure out goes back to the fashion paradigm sizes of video cameras used until the tardily 1980s were expressed, referring to the outside diameter of the glass envelope of the video camera tube. David Pogue of The New York Times states that "the actual sensor size is much smaller than what the camera companies publish – about one-third smaller." For example, a camera advert a 1/2.7" sensor does not have a sensor with a diagonal of 0.37"; instead, the diagonal is closer to 0.26".[28] [29] [30] Instead of "formats", these sensor sizes are often chosen types, equally in "one/2-inch-type CCD."

Due to inch-based sensor formats not being standardized, their exact dimensions may vary, merely those listed are typical.[29] The listed sensor areas span more than a factor of 1000 and are proportional to the maximum possible collection of lite and image resolution (same lens speed, i.e., minimum F-number), but in practice are not directly proportional to image noise or resolution due to other limitations. See comparisons.[31] [32] Moving-picture show format sizes are also included, for comparison. The application examples of phone or camera may not show the exact sensor sizes.

Type Diagonal (mm) Width (mm) Acme (mm) Aspect Ratio Area (mm²) Stops (area)[33] Crop cistron[34]
1/ten" 1.60 ane.28 0.96 iv:3 i.23 -9.46 27.04
i/8" 2.00 one.sixty ane.20 iv:3 ane.92 -eight.81 21.65
1/6" (Panasonic SDR-H20, SDR-H200) iii.00 2.40 1.lxxx iv:3 4.32 -7.64 14.14
i/four"[35] 4.50 iii.threescore two.70 4:3 nine.72 -half dozen.47 10.81
one/3.6" (Nokia Lumia 720)[36] 5.00 iv.00 3.00 iv:three 12.0 -6.17 viii.65
one/iii.2" (iPhone 5)[37] 5.68 iv.54 iii.42 4:three 15.50 -5.fourscore vii.61
ane/3.09" Sony EXMOR IMX351[38] five.82 4.66 iii.five 4:3 16.iii -five.73 seven.43
Standard 8 mm flick frame v.94 4.8 iii.five 11:viii 16.eight -5.68 7.28
1/3" (iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, LG G3[39]) 6.00 iv.80 3.sixty 4:3 17.30 -five.64 7.21
1/ii.9" Sony EXMOR IMX322[40] 6.23 4.98 3.74 4:3 18.63 -v.54 half dozen.92
1/2.7" Fujifilm 2800 Zoom six.72 5.37 4.04 iv:3 21.70 -5.32 6.44
Super 8 mm film frame 7.04 5.79 iv.01 13:9 23.22 -5.22 half dozen.15
1/2.five" (Nokia Lumia 1520, Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T5, iPhone XS[41]) vii.eighteen five.76 4.29 iv:3 24.seventy -5.xiii 6.02
1/ii.three" (Pentax Q, Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W330, GoPro HERO3, Panasonic HX-A500, Google Pixel/Pixel+, DJI Phantom three[42]/Mavic ii Zoom[43]), Nikon P1000/P900 7.66 6.17 4.55 4:3 28.fifty -4.94 5.64
1/ii.3" Sony Exmor IMX220[44] 7.87 6.30 iv.72 four:iii 29.73 -four.86 5.49
i/2" (Fujifilm HS30EXR, Xiaomi Mi ix, OnePlus 7, Espros EPC 660, DJI Mavic Air 2) 8.00 6.xl 4.eighty 4:iii 30.70 -4.81 5.41
i/1.8" (Nokia N8) (Olympus C-5050, C-5060, C-7070) viii.93 7.18 5.32 4:3 38.twenty -iv.50 four.84
1/1.7" (Pentax Q7, Canon G10, G15, Huawei P20 Pro, Huawei P30 Pro, Huawei Mate 20 Pro) 9.fifty seven.60 5.seventy 4:3 43.30 -4.32 4.55
1/1.6" (Fujifilm f200exr [1]) x.07 viii.08 6.01 4:3 48.56 -4.15 four.thirty
2/3" (Nokia Lumia 1020, Fujifilm X10, X20, XF1) 11.00 8.80 six.60 4:three 58.10 -3.89 3.93
i/1.33" (Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra)[45] 12 9.6 7.ii four:3 69.12 -three.64 3.58
Standard 16 mm film frame 12.lxx 10.26 7.49 eleven:8 76.85 -iii.49 3.41
1/1.ii" (Nokia 808 PureView) 13.33 10.67 8.00 4:3 85.33 -3.34 3.24
1/1.12" (Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra) 14.29 11.43 viii.57 4:iii 97.96 ??? 3.03
Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Photographic camera & Blackmagic Studio Photographic camera 14.32 12.48 7.02 16:9 87.6 three.02
Super 16 mm film frame 14.54 12.52 7.41 5:iii 92.80 -3.22 2.97
ane" Nikon CX, Sony RX100 and RX10 and ZV1, Samsung NX Mini 15.86 13.20 8.eighty 3:2 116 -ii.89 2.72
1" Digital Bolex d16 16.00 12.fourscore 9.60 4:3 123 -ii.81 ii.seventy
1.i" Sony IMX253[46] 17.46 14.x ten.30 11:8 145 -2.57 2.47
Blackmagic Movie theatre Camera EF 18.13 15.81 8.88 16:9 140 -ii.62 2.38
Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K 21.44 eighteen.96 10 nineteen:10 190 -2.19 2.01
Four Thirds, Micro Four Thirds ("four/three", "m4/three") 21.threescore 17.30 thirteen 4:3 225 -1.94 ii.00
Blackmagic Production Camera/URSA/URSA Mini 4K 24.23 21.12 11.88 xvi:nine 251 -one.78 1.79
1.5" Canon PowerShot G1 X Mark Ii 23.36 18.70 14 4:iii 262 -i.72 ane.85
"35mm" ii Perf Techniscope 23.85 21.95 9.35 seven:3 205.23 -2.07 1.81
original Sigma Foveon X3 24.90 20.lxx 13.fourscore 3:2 286 -i.sixty 1.74
Cerise DRAGON iv.5K (RAVEN) 25.50 23.00 10.80 nineteen:nine 248.four -1.lxxx 1.66
"Super 35mm" two Perf 26.58 24.89 9.35 8:iii 232.7 -1.89 i.62
Canon EF-S, APS-C 26.82 22.30 14.90 3:2 332 -one.38 1.61
Standard 35 mm film frame (movie) 27.twenty 22.0 16.0 11:8 352 -1.30 1.59
Blackmagic URSA Mini/Pro four.6K 29 25.34 14.25 xvi:9 361 -one.26 1.49
APS-C (Sony α, Sony E, Nikon DX, Pentax K, Samsung NX, Fuji X) 28.2–28.iv 23.6–23.7 xv.sixty 3:2 368–370 -1.23 to -one.22 1.52–ane.54
Super 35 mm film three perf 28.48 24.89 13.86 9:5 344.97 -1.32 1.51
RED DRAGON 5K S35 28.9 25.6 thirteen.5 17:9 345.6 -1.32 1.49
Super 35mm motion picture 4 perf 31.11 24.89 18.66 4:3 464 -0.90 1.39
Canon APS-H 33.fifty 27.90 18.60 iii:2 519 -0.74 one.29
ARRI ALEV III (ALEXA SXT, ALEXA MINI, AMIRA), RED HELIUM 8K S35 33.80 29.90 15.77 17:9 471.52 -0.87 1.28
Red DRAGON 6K S35 34.50 30.7 15.8 35:18 485.06 -0.83 1.25
35 mm film full-frame, (Canon EF, Nikon FX, Pentax K-ane, Sony α, Sony Fe, Leica M)–43.3 35.eight–36 23.ix–24 3:ii 856–864 0 i.0
ARRI ALEXA LF 44.71 36.70 25.54 13:9 937.32 +0.12 0.96
Ruby MONSTRO 8K VV, Panavision Millenium DXL2 46.31 xl.96 21.sixty 17:nine 884.74 +0.03 0.93
Leica S 54 45 xxx iii:2 1350 +0.64 0.80
Pentax 645D, Hasselblad X1D-50c, CFV-50c, Fuji GFX 50S

[47] [48]

55 43.8 32.9 4:iii 1452 +0.75 0.78
Standard 65/70 mm film frame 57.thirty 52.48 23.01 seven:3 1208 +0.48 0.76
ARRI ALEXA 65 59.86 54.12 25.58 nineteen:ix 1384.39 +0.68 0.72
Kodak KAF 39000 CCD[49] 61.30 49 36.80 4:three 1803 +i.06 0.71
Leaf AFi ten 66.57 56 36 14:nine 2016 +1.22 0.65
Medium-format (Hasselblad H5D-60)[50] 67.08 53.7 40.2 four:3 2159 +1.32 0.65
Stage I P 65+, IQ160, IQ180 67.40 53.xc 40.40 four:3 2178 +1.33 0.64
Medium-format 6×iv.v cm (also called 645 format) 70 42 56 3:four 2352 +one.44 0.614
Medium-format 6×half dozen cm 79 56 56 i:1 3136 +ane.86 0.538
IMAX movie frame 87.91 seventy.41 52.63 4:3 3706 +2.ten 0.49
Medium-format 6×7 cm 89.6 70 56 5:4 3920 +2.18 0.469
Medium-format 6×eight cm 94.4 76 56 3:4 4256 +ii.30 0.458
Medium-format 6×ix cm 101 84 56 3:2 4704 +two.44 0.43
Big-format film 4×v inch 150 121 97 5:4 11737 +iii.76 0.29
Large-format moving picture five×seven inch 210 178 127 7:5 22606 +4.71 0.238
Large-format pic eight×10 inch 300 254 203 5:4 51562 +5.90 0.143

See also [edit]

  • Full-frame digital SLR
  • Sensor size and bending of view
  • 35 mm equivalent focal length
  • Motion picture format
  • Digital versus picture show photography
  • List of big sensor interchangeable-lens video cameras
  • List of sensors used in digital cameras
  • Bending of view
  • Crop factor
  • Field of view

Notes and references [edit]

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  25. ^ "Fujifilm's Medium Format GFX 50S to Send in February for $6,500". 2017-01-xix.
  26. ^ Staff (7 Oct 2002). "Making (some) sense out of sensor sizes". Digital Photography Review. Digital Photography Review. Retrieved 29 June 2012.
  27. ^ Staff. "Image Sensor Format". Imaging Glossary Terms and Definitions. SPOT IMAGING SOLUTIONS. Archived from the original on 26 March 2015. Retrieved 3 June 2015.
  28. ^ Pogue, David (2010-12-22). "Small Cameras With Big Sensors, and How to Compare Them". The New York Times.
  29. ^ a b Bockaert, Vincent. "Sensor Sizes: Photographic camera System: Glossary: Learn". Digital Photography Review. Archived from the original on 2013-01-25. Retrieved 2012-04-09 .
  30. ^ "Making (Some) sense out of sensor sizes".
  31. ^ Photographic camera Sensor Ratings DxOMark
  32. ^ Imaging-resource: Sample images Comparometer Imaging-resources
  33. ^ Defined here equally the equivalent number of stops lost (or gained, if positive) due to the area of the sensor relative to a full 35 frame (36×24mm). Computed as S t o p s = log 2 ( A r e a due south e n south o r A r e a 35 m yard ) {\displaystyle Stops=\log _{2}\left({\frac {Area_{sensor}}{Area_{35mm}}}\correct)}
  34. ^ Divers here as the ratio of the diagonal of a total 35 frame to that of the sensor format, that is C F = d i a g 35 yard yard d i a g south e n southward o r {\displaystyle CF={\frac {diag_{35mm}}{diag_{sensor}}}} .
  35. ^ "Unravelling Sensor Sizes – Photo Review". . Retrieved 2016-09-22 .
  36. ^ Nokia Lumia 720 – Total phone specifications,, February 25, 2013, retrieved 2013-09-21
  37. ^ Camera sensor size: Why does it matter and exactly how large are they?, Gizmag, March 21, 2013, retrieved 2013-06-nineteen
  38. ^ "Diagonal 5.822 mm (Type i/3.09) 16Mega-Pixel CMOS Epitome Sensor with Square Pixel for Color Cameras" (PDF). Sony. Retrieved xvi October 2019.
  39. ^ Comparison of iPhone Specs, PhoneArena
  40. ^ "Diagonal 6.23 mm (Type i/2.ix) CMOS Epitome Sensor with Square Pixel for Colour Cameras" (PDF). Sony. 2015. Retrieved 3 April 2019.
  41. ^ "iPhone XS Max teardown reveals new sensor with more than focus pixels". Digital Photography Review. 27 September 2018. Retrieved ane March 2019.
  42. ^ "Phantom 3 Professional - Allow your creativity fly with a 4K camera in the sky. - DJI". DJI Official . Retrieved 2019-12-01 .
  43. ^ "DJI - The Globe Leader in Camera Drones/Quadcopters for Aeriform Photography". DJI Official . Retrieved 2019-12-01 .
  44. ^ "Diagonal 7.87mm (Type i/2.iii) 20.7M Pixel CMOS Image Sensor with Square Pixel for Color Cameras" (PDF). Sony. September 2014. Retrieved 3 April 2019.
  45. ^ "Samsung officially unveils 108MP ISOCELL Bright HMX mobile camera sensor". Digital Photography Review. Aug 12, 2019. Retrieved xvi Feb 2021.
  46. ^ "Diagonal 17.6 mm (Type 1.1) Approx. 12.37M-Effective Pixel Monochrome and Color CMOS Image Sensor" (PDF). Sony. March 2016. Retrieved 3 April 2019.
  47. ^ "Hasselblad X1D-Two 50c Datasheet" (PDF). Hasselblad. 2019-06-01. Retrieved 2022-04-09 .
  48. ^ "GFX 50s Specifications". Fujifilm. January 17, 2019. Retrieved 2022-04-09 .
  49. ^ KODAK KAF-39000 Image SENSOR, DEVICE PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION (PDF), KODAK, April 30, 2010, retrieved 2014-02-09
  50. ^ Hasselblad H5D-60 medium-format DSLR camera, B&H PHOTO VIDEO, retrieved 2013-06-19

External links [edit]

  • Eric Fossum: Photons to Bits and Beyond: The Science & Engineering of Digital, Oct. thirteen, 2011 (YouTube Video of lecture)
  • Joseph James: Equivalence at Joseph James Photography
  • Simon Tindemans: Alternative photographic parameters: a format-contained approach at 21stcenturyshoebox
  • Compact Camera High ISO modes: Separating the facts from the hype at, May 2007
  • The best compromise for a meaty camera is a sensor with half dozen meg pixels or better a sensor with a pixel size of >3μm at
  • [2] at


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